Sunday, August 30, 2015

24 Weeks! ... Week 20-24

How far along?  24 Weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: 
Maternity clothes:  Not necessary quite yet! I am still in jeans... although I have to unbutton them when I sit down, they still need to be buttoned when I stand up.
Stretch marks: Not any yet. Using oil like crazy!
Sleep: Sleep is still good. Tired a lot. Dreams are very vivid and sometimes I feel like I have been fighting a battle all night so am still tired when I wake up.. But so far so good. 
Best moment this week:  "You are now to that point where people don't know if you're gaining weight, or if you're pregnant." .... Thanks? haha
Miss anything? Nope. Now that I can run again I am just fine. Still sometimes wish I could have a glass of wine but I'm kind of over that. 
Movement: YEP YEP YEPPAROO! I have felt little miss Hayden! She is an active little thing. Every time I feel her move, I tell Casey to come feel. I think that he got to feel her the other day! He thinks it is creepy. haha. A couple days ago, Casey was talking to me and laid his head on my stomach as we were sitting on the couch, and Hayden let out a big ol kick! ... I think she likes hearing Daddy's voice.
Food cravings: A lot of my cravings have gone away. There isn't one specific thing that I feel like I need to have. Although I am really digging the Sobe Life Water from Maverick. With Pebble Ice of course. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? If I don't eat for a couple hours I still get sick. I also get a lot of gas bubbles :) 
Labour signs: NOPE
Symptoms: Just a little Gassy is all.   
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Still Happy! :) 
Looking forward to: Baby Shower in Lyman is just around the corner. My mom and Becky have done a great job planning it! ... and I say that because I don't have to have any input. I LOVE THAT! he he. All I know is that it is going to be an Elephant theme. Thanks to my mom knowing me so well. I have always loved Elephants. Maybe little miss Hayden will like them too :) 
----There are several lessons we can learn from the elephant and these too are used as its symbol: strength, wisdom, solitude, strong sense of loyalty to the family and intelligence.---

Some funny/nice things people have said to me:

At CrossFit:
Kerny Wood: Tayler, my wife says that you haven't even been sick at all?
Me: Nope! I hear that I am one of the lucky ones.
Kerny: You know people that work hard are the lucky ones? 
Me: haha what do you mean? 
Kerny: Tayler, you work hard and that is what makes you "lucky". You are constantly pushing yourself. Your body is used to working hard. That is what makes you so bad ass and that is why you are having an "easy pregnancy".. Because you work hard! 
.... THANK YOU KERNY! I never thought of it that way! ....
At CrossFit:
Ashley Whiting: Oh my heck! You don't even look pregnant! You just look like you just got finished eating a big meal. 
...Again, Thanks? I think haha...
At Work:
"You are now to that point where people don't know if you are gaining weight or if you're pregnant." 
At CrossFit:
Reggi: "You just look like a buff pregnant lady. 
At CrossFit:
Justin: While doing shoulder press... "Your baby is going to come out and want to sleep on the ground instead of in your arms cause your arms are going to be harder than the ground."

and…. Just because I have a goofball of a husband.. He tries to tell me that he still has a bigger belly than me <3

--- Flashback to Hayden at 18 Weeks ---


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